What to do in the event of cyber attacks? Humanstars as a fallback and backup solution - secure on German servers

Aug. 28, 2024

Handsome young business entrepreneur holding a digital tablet while talking about ideas with his mature corporate manager

What to do in the event of cyber attacks? Humanstars as a fallback and backup solution - secure on German servers


The threat of cyber attacks

In an increasingly digitalized world, cyberattacks are one of the biggest threats to companies. Hacker attacks, data leaks and ransomware can not only paralyze business operations, but also massively shake the trust of customers and partners. Especially in such crisis situations, it is crucial to be able to fall back on reliable fallback and backup solutions in order to maintain internal communication and the exchange of important information.


Humanstars as a secure basis for your employee communication

The EXCLUSIVE employee app from Humanstars offers companies a robust solution for internal communication. It has been specifically designed to serve as a reliable communication channel in crisis situations such as cyber-attacks. With the selected communication modules Blog and Messenger, Humanstars ensures that your employees can stay informed and collaborate effectively even when other systems are down.

Module: News top-down and storytelling

The blog module of the EXCLUSIVE employee app allows you to communicate news feeds specifically to defined groups, departments or the entire workforce. Similar to well-known platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook, both official messages and storytelling content can be published here. Especially in the event of a cyber attack, it is crucial that important information can be distributed quickly and reliably. The blog module offers the ideal platform for this.

Messenger: secure exchange like WhatsApp

The Humanstars messenger enables your employees to communicate with each other in individual or group chats - similar to WhatsApp, but on a secure, company-owned platform. Especially in crisis situations, it is important that information is exchanged quickly and directly. Humanstars Messenger offers a secure and data protection-compliant alternative that works reliably even in critical moments.


Humanstars as a fallback and backup solution in the event of cyber attacks

One of the biggest advantages of the Humanstars employee app is its ability to serve as a fallback and backup solution in crisis situations. Especially for large companies and corporations, which usually rely on extensive systems such as Microsoft or SAP, Humanstars offers a lean but effective alternative to maintain internal communication.

Secure on German servers

A key aspect of the Humanstars solution is security. All data is hosted on German servers, which not only guarantees the highest data protection standards, but also minimizes the risks associated with storing data in third countries. At a time when cyberattacks are becoming increasingly common and forcing companies to rethink their communication infrastructures, Humanstars offers a secure and reliable alternative.

Who is the solution suitable for?

The Humanstars employee app is particularly suitable for corporations and large companies that already use extensive IT infrastructures such as Microsoft or SAP. Especially in these organizations, where the dependency on large systems is high, the Humanstars app offers an additional layer of security. It ensures that even in the event of a system failure or cyberattack, internal communication does not break down and employees can continue to work efficiently.


Conclusion: Humanstars - your security solution in times of crisis

Cyber attacks can affect any company and cause considerable damage. In such moments, it is crucial to have a reliable communication solution that works even if other systems fail. The EXCLUSIVE employee app from Humanstars offers exactly this security. With its powerful modules and secure data storage on German servers, it is the ideal fallback and backup solution for companies that want to maintain their employee communications even in times of crisis.

Rely on Humanstars to make your internal communication secure and effective even in an emergency.