Ludwig Erhard Prize 2023 in gold.
Jun 24,2023
The Schindlerhof as an affiliated company wins the Ludwig Erhard Prize 2023. Alongside Bosch, BMW and Siemens in the category "large companies", the Schindlerhof wins gold in the category "medium-sized companies" with over 600 points.
The Schindlerhof from Nuremberg has already won the Ludwig Erhard Prize three times. The jury says: "Schindlerhof successfully reinvents itself again and again at the highest level!"
This is what sets the organization apart: Since 2022, the distinctive "play culture" has embraced the idea of employees as "human stars." Comprehensive planning, implementation and evaluation tools ensure performance in day-to-day business. The company receives outstanding feedback from customers, including in "TOP Service Germany". The managing family encourages everyone to show joint responsibility for the company. Excellent results are also achieved in employee satisfaction.
For the Schindlerhof, "Excellence" means being holistically oriented. It concerns all conceivable stakeholders (e.g. customers, employees, suppliers, partners, owners, etc.). The HUMANSTARSapp is used in holistic communication, internally and externally.
The video of the award ceremony: Ludwig Erhard Award 2023