Reach all employees? The most common formats and channels for internal communication & employee communication


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Reach all employees? The most common formats and channels for internal communication & employee communication

In today's dynamic working environment, effective communication is key to the success of any business. To ensure that all employees stay informed and engaged, it is essential to use the right formats and channels for internal communication. At Humanstars, we have made it our mission to help companies optimize their communications and ensure that every employee is reached. 

In this article, we present the most common formats and channels for internal communication and show you how to use them effectively.



  1. E-mail communication


Emails are one of the most traditional and widespread means of communication in companies. They are ideal for official announcements, detailed information and sending documents.

Best Practices:

- Clarity and conciseness: Keep messages clear and concise to keep employees' attention.

- Personalization: Use personalized salutations and content to increase relevance and engagement.

- Regularity: Plan regular updates to keep employees informed at all times.



  1. Intranet and employee portals


An intranet or employee portal provides a central point of contact for all internal information and resources. It is particularly useful for accessing company documents, policies and important announcements.

Best Practices:

- User-friendliness: Make sure that the intranet is easy to navigate and use.

- Topicality: Always keep the content up to date to ensure relevance and trust.

- Interactivity: Encourage interaction through forums, surveys and discussion platforms.



  1. Employee apps


Employee apps offer the flexibility to access company information anytime, anywhere. They are particularly useful for companies with decentralized or mobile workforces.

Best Practices:

- Notifications: Use push notifications to deliver important messages immediately.

- Personalization: Enable personalized content based on departments or locations.

- Feedback: Integrate feedback functions to continuously improve communication.



  1. Social media and internal networks


Internal social networks promote collaboration and a sense of community within the company. They are ideal for informal exchanges and sharing successes and best practices.

 Best Practices:

- Moderation: Make sure that the platforms are moderated to ensure a respectful and constructive exchange.

- Engagement: Encourage employee participation through competitions, surveys and regular updates.

- Culture: Use social networks to strengthen the corporate culture and promote shared values.



  1. Virtual meetings and webinars


Virtual meetings and webinars are ideal for the direct exchange and communication of complex information. They make it possible to ask questions and hold discussions in real time.

 Best Practices:

- Preparation: Make sure that the technology works properly and that the participants are well prepared.

- Interactivity: Integrate interactive elements such as surveys, Q&A sessions and discussion rounds.

- Recordings: Offer recordings so that employees who cannot attend live can access the content later.



  1. Print media and notices


Despite digitalization, print media and notices still have their place in internal communication, especially in production environments or for employees without regular computer access.

 Best Practices:

- Visual design: Use appealing graphics and layouts to attract the attention of employees.

- Strategic placement: Place notices in highly visible locations, such as break rooms and entrance doors.

- Regular updates: Update content regularly to maintain relevance and interest.



  1. Videos and podcasts


Videos and podcasts offer an entertaining and engaging way to communicate information. They are ideal for training, company news and inspirational stories.

 Best Practices:

- Quality: Ensure high production quality to guarantee professionalism and credibility.

- Authenticity: Use real stories and voices from the organization to create authenticity and connection.

- Availability: Ensure that videos and podcasts are easily accessible, e.g. via the intranet or the employee app.



  1. Personal communication


Nothing replaces personal communication. Regular team meetings, appraisal interviews and company events are essential to strengthen personal connections and build trust.

 Best Practices:

- Regularity: Plan regular meetings and discussions to promote exchange.

- Openness: Encourage open and transparent communication to strengthen trust and commitment.

- Recognition: Use personal conversations to express recognition and appreciation.





Choosing the right communication channels and formats is crucial to effectively reach and inform all employees. At Humanstars, we offer customized solutions that meet your company's unique needs and take internal communications to the next level. Discover how our technologies and platforms can support your communication strategies to drive employee cohesion and engagement. 

Find out more about our services and how we can help you optimize your internal communication. Get in touch using the contact form.